(3x+1)\Xb3 What Is The Product, (7y-2)\Xb3 What Is The Product, (5m+9n)\Xb3 What Is Product

(3x+1)³ what is the product

(7y-2)³ what is the product

(5m+9n)³ what is product


1) 27x³ + 27x² + 9x +1

2) 343y³ - 205y² + 84y - 8

3) 125m³ + 675m²n + 1215mn² + 729 n³

Step-by-step explanation:

* (3x+1)³

= (3x+1) (3x+1) (3x+1)

= 27x³ + 18x ² + 3x + 9x² + 6x +1

= 27x³ + 27x² + 9x +1

* (7y-2)³

= (7y-2) (7y-2) (7y-2)

= 343y³ - 196y² + 28y - 98y² + 56y - 8

= 343y³ - 205y² + 84y - 8

* (5m+9n)³

= (5m+9n) (5m+9n) (5m+9n)

= 125m³ + 450m²n + 405 mn² + 225m²n + 810mn² + 729n³

= 125m³ + 675m²n + 1215mn² + 729n³


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